Whenever I hide and show an id in a dialog, mIRC always sets focus on a particular ID. I don't know why... Take this for example:

dialog away {
title "Away System"
size -1 -1 150 108
option dbu
button "Away!", 6, 1 37 25 10
button "Back!", 7, 1 37 25 10
text "", 8, 27 39 121 7
check "Repeat away message every", 9, 3 66 81 10
edit %awayrepeat, 17, 84 66 15 10, autohs
text "minutes", 18, 101 68 25 7
check "CTCP Pager", 10, 3 56 40 10
check "Message Logging", 11, 49 56 65 10
radio "Silent", 12, 4 93 27 10, group
box "Message options", 14, 1 85 148 20
radio "Echo", 13, 40 93 28 10
radio "Active", 15, 75 93 30 10
radio "Global", 16, 112 93 30 10
text "(Only works in Active and Global mode)", 19, 11 76 100 7
box "Options", 20, 1 48 148 57
text "Away message:", 3, 2 1 50 7
edit "", 2, 1 9 148 10, autohs
text "Away nickname(optional):", 4, 2 19 114 7
edit "", 5, 1 26 148 10, autohs
on *:dialog:away:sclick:6:{
did -h away 6
did -v away 7
The word "Repeat away message every" is set focused on. Why is this so?

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