hi, having a problem with setting timers on different networks.

when i am on multiple networks i want to run seperate timers for each to display a timed msg.

it works great if on one network, but if i am on 2 the dialog allways defaults to the first network.

if i run it from a window it seems to pick up the current network. dialogs dont?

an example dialog

on *:dialog:sounds:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
echo -a $server
if ($R.Var(Sounds,Power) == On) { did -c $dname 1 }
else { did -c $dname 2 }
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 1) { W.Var Sounds Power On }
if ($did == 2) { W.Var Sounds Power Off }
if i run this from undernet, my first connection, the echo returns Surrey.UK.EU.Undernet.Org as expected

if i then connect to dalnet also and activate the same dialog with the dalnet server as the active one it returns Surrey.UK.EU.Undernet.Org again!

what i need is for it to return the currently active network so i can set the timers as (eg) timertimedundernet or timertimeddalnet depending which server it was started on.

can anyone help me out with this one please confused