Copy this to your channel menu
I have a simular script that works from a custom window so when a file is recieved i can move it from the downloads to a completed folder to check the file to make sure its complete,
allot of times when grabbing files from others you never know if they have a complete file or not

Move File To %mdir : {
if (!%mdir) { set %mdir $$sdir="Enter Move To File Directory" }
else {
var %mfile = [ $$hfile="Enter the file to Move..." $getdir\*.* ], %mfile = $nopath(%mfile)
var %mgdir = $+(",$getdir,%mfile,")
if ($exists($+(",%mdir,%mfile,")) == $true ) { /echo -a %mfile is already in %mdir | halt }
if ( $isfile(%mgdir) == $false ) { /echo -a %mfile Not Found | halt }
.rename %mgdir $+(",%mdir,%mfile,")
Set Move Dir To %mdir : { set %mdir $$sdir="Enter File Directory" }

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....