nvm figured it out smile

One more question, the script:
on *:ACTION:*:#:{
if ($4 == flamethrower) && ($6 == barbeques) && ($7 == Gar) {
describe # sprinkles the hotest mixture of ingredents known to mankind on his arm before $nick gets a chance to grab it and sits back to watch the show.

is there a way to do add a or line in the if line? for example:

if ($4 == flamethrower) && ($6 == barbeques) && ($7 == Gar) or ($8 == flamethrower) && ($9 == barbeques) && ($10 == Gararion){
describe # sprinkles the hotest mixture of ingredents known to mankind on his arm before $nick gets a chance to grab it and sits back to watch the show.