Here It Is All The Code:

on *:CONNECT: {
if (!$timer(lag $+ $network)) .timerlag-o-meter@ [ $+ [ $network ] ] 0 120 /lag
if ($timer(lag $+ $network)) .timerlag-o-meter@ [ $+ [ $network ] ] off
alias lag {
.ctcp $me lag-o-meter $ticks
ctcp *:lag-o-meter: {
if ($nick == $me) {
var %ticks = $2, %lag = $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000)
titlebar -
titlebar --
titlebar -->
titlebar -->>
titlebar -->>[
titlebar $+(-->>,$chr(160),L)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),La)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag:)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec,$chr(160),])
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec,$chr(160),]<)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec,$chr(160),]<<)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec,$chr(160),]<<-)
titlebar $+(-->>[,$chr(160),Lag: $round(%lag, 2),sec,$chr(160),]<<--) Network: $+([,$network,]) Server: $+([,$server,]) Nick: $+([,$me,])
if ($round(%lag, 2) == 8) {
echo -a **Alert** You Are $round(%lag, 2) $+ sec Laged! **Alert**
if ($round(%lag, 2) > 20) {
echo -a **Alert** You Are $round(%lag, 2) $+ sec Laged! **Alert**

10x ppl for the help :>

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