* Edited
In my opinion, scripts should follow mIRC's changes, be it from 6.03 to 6.1 or even from 6.1 to 6.11. * I'm not including bugs here, of course. These obviously have to be fixed as soon as possible, regardless of easy workarounds.
I don't see this situation like I see changing from win98 to winXP.. I think you shouldn't compare changing mIRC scripts to changing programs of an OS. Although the idea is the same, the proportion is very different.
I don't like when things are changed back on mIRC because they broke scripts. In my opinion, those things should stay. If something new breaks a script, it's still something new, or maybe an improvement (regardless of its importance), which (sadly) requires adjustments. I wouldn't blame mIRC, I'd rather either try to adapt or stay where I am if I can't be bothered (I know you're already doing this).
If I need to change something because a new mIRC says "it's this way now, just change your stuff", fine. I made my stuff myself, I (should) know everything about it, or at least the sufficient to know where should I start changing. I like to script anyway. No real need to ask for anything on mIRC to be changed back.
By the other side, if I was an user who doesn't script, using any script that would be broken, why would I care about a new mIRC release anyway? The script itself is more important. The least I could do is to contact the script's author. Why blame the new mIRC if I don't even need it that much?
Again, I understand you people are just staying with 6.03 already and that's fine, I think. But I see no reason to blame mIRC like it was impossible to move on and adapt. It's only my point of view, though.
Last edited by cold; 12/10/03 10:12 AM.