Hi, ok was reading the mIRC help file and came across "ON EXIT", read up on it, thought i'd give it ago.

*background info*
I have a few groups setup and enabled but i sometimes quit mIRC and forget to disable them and then when i next run mIRC the program complains that groups are still enabeled and messes up so i have to disable them, quit the server and then rejoin again.

*the solution*
I wanted to be able to disable a group that i had accidently forgotton to disable and thought on exit would do the job,
however i seem to be having a problem with it.

*the problem*
The problem is it wont disable the group

  if ($group == #exit enable) {
  else {
    ($group == #exit disable)  }

Also i wanted it to play a wav to say i was disconnected from the server and then copy my mIRC.ini file to a location of my choice, how would i do this ?

I came up with this
  if ($group == #pmask enable) {
  else {
    ($group == #pmask disable | splay disconnect.wav | copy $mircdir/mirc.ini D:\ )

Maybe my problem lies in the IF and ELSE so i read up in the help file again they look alright, ieven put the pipes ( | ) in to seperate the splay and copy commands, maybe they are wrong, i dunno maybe the whole script is messed up.

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help me sort this one out
mIRC V6.1

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