Okay, I've got a botlist script:

dialog botlist {
  title "Botlist [/botlist]"
  size -1 -1 200 200
  option dbu

  list 12, 1 1 100 200
  check "There is currently a bot" 5, 120 10 100 10
  button "Assign" 1, 120 30 30 10, ok
  button "Cancel" 2, 120 50 30 10, cancel

on *:Notice:*:?:{
  if ($nick == Botserv) && ($1 !isnum) && ($1 !== Bot) { /did -a botlist 12 $1 }
on *:DIALOG:botlist:init:0:{
  did -a botlist 12 Bot List
  did -a botlist 12  
  /msg botserv botlist
on *:DIALOG:botlist:sclick:1:{
  /set %Botname $did(botlist,12).seltext
  //msg botserv assign $active %Botname
  /echo 3 -a Bot successfully assigned to #
  /echo 3 -a Thank you for using Aazn Listbot
  /unset %botname

Right now, all it does is list the available botserv bots, with a "Assign" and "Cancel" button's that work. I have a checkbox there for partially the script.

What I need is for you guys to help me figure out what to put to make it automatically detect that there is a bot in there, and unassign it before assigning a new one.

- Aazn

( www.nnscript.de )