Yea i just want to use it for my echo...however im trying to only show my nick once if theres over 1 line from me

on *:input:*: {
if ($left($1,1) == /) { return }
if ($active == Status Window) { halt }
if ($len($me) <= 15) { var %:me = $+($me,$str(ÿ,$calc(15 - $len($me)))) }
if ($len($me) > 15) { var %:me = $+($left($me,12),...) }
.raw privmsg $active : $+ $1-
var %text = $1-
var %x = 0
inc %x
if ($wrap(%text,tahoma,9,$calc($calc($window($active).dw -20) / 2), %x)) {
if (%x <= 1) { echo -at $+(5,%:me,15-) $ifmatch }
else { echo -a $+(5,$str(ÿ,23),15-) $ifmatch }
goto displayline

but im only getting...

[17:29] |3|acK_Kn|G||Tÿ- 1

now if i just use the: echo -at $+(5,%:me,15-) $ifmatch
i get....

[17:31] |3|acK_Kn|G||Tÿ- This is just another basic example I whipped up by
[17:31] |3|acK_Kn|G||Tÿ- reading the helpfile