There are more, you just didn't see them as you said. Checking addresses other than IRC hostnames is one of them.

Yeah that's called a nonparticular hypothetical use. I'm talking about real applications. Give me an example when you'd want to do that. A "type in a host and I'll tell you the country" script? Well thats the same thing as !country, it's just got a few more bells and whistles.

You just can't say you know all its usages.

I never said I know all the uses, I said the uses I could think of, however you haven't provided any other uses, so all you've done is support what I've said.

I was very clear when I said many people.

Yeah, you were very clear, but just because you are clear doesn't mean you are right. I can very clearly state that the earth is flat. That, however, doesn't make it so. Again I say, provide proof. Show me existing scripts where people wrote their own $country and are using it for things differently than I said. I doubt you could find any such scripts.

If I'm wrong, that's fine, but prove me wrong, don't simply say "I think you're wrong and I'm not going to show you how." If I'm wrong, show me how and why I'm wrong with some real evidence.