lol actually i dont think its too much to do. at least your learning something ne? anyhow to call the alias in mirc (/alias blah blah blah) your going to want to look into the filemapping/sendmessage support for mirc. Essentially you create a file in memory (not one on the disk) using CreateFileMapping The name MUST be mIRC. Then you call MapViewOfFile this will return a LPSTR that you can use to fill whatever you want mirc to do. for example to perform a command you would do something similar to

wsprintf(TheStrVar,"/echo -a hello");

then tell mirc to perform it


I cant really remember what WM_MCOMMAND is defined as i think WM_USER+200 or something /help SendMessage will tell you tho. Dont forget to UnMapViewOfFile etc.. when you no longer need it. Best to handle creating/releasing in the LoadDll/UnloadDll functions If i get a few seconds i can try to whip up a small working sample and email you if you like.

Have Fun smile