Theres something I'm trying to do, but can't seem to get it done. Basically, I have a command with the following syntax:
@Start T=RT R=Room U=Chaz, Ranma, Thray M=Multiple Word String, MPS, Etc Etc

Then I split up the info into variables. %t = RT, %r = Room, %u = Chaz.Ranma.Thray, etc. (It changes ", " to . beforehand so Multiple Word String, MPS becomes Multiple Word String.MPS and so on)

Now here is the challenge.. I want to get all the words from M= into a string of .s.. %m = Multiple Word String.MPS.Etc Etc Like that. But I want the user to be able to put m= in any place. So.. .the command could also look like:

@Start M=Multiple Word String, MPS, Etc Etc T=RT R=Room U=Chaz, Ranma, Thray

And so on. The problem above is that I keep getting the entire string in that case.

var %com = $replace($4-,$+($chr(44),$chr(32)),.,$chr(44),.)
var %t = $remove($wildtok(%com,t=*,1,32),t=)
var %r = $remove($wildtok(%com,r=*,1,32),r=)
var %u = $remove($wildtok(%com,u=*,1,32),u=)

Thats what I used to get the info.

Any help?

I am the self-appointed God of needlessly complex mIRCscript.