this is the first time it has happened to me, but the button in the following dialog has no text on it mad, sorry i cant post a screenshot frown

dialog msnlogin {
title "Login"
size -1 -1 120 48
option dbu
text "Email:", 1, 3 11 17 8
box "Login", 2, 0 -1 120 49
edit "", 3, 21 10 96 10, autohs
text "Password:", 4, 2 25 26 8
edit "", 5, 30 24 87 10, pass autohs
button "Login", 6, 41 36 30 9, flat

all my other dialog buttons have text, that is the only one that doesn't.

the only /did -r's and d's are here:

did -d msnmsgs 2 $didwm(msnmsgs,2,$+(*,$replace($4,$(%20,0),$chr(32)),*))

did -ra msnmsgs 19 $iif($2,$ifmatch,None)

which obviously dont remove that text.

new username: tidy_trax