I understand what is easy for some is harder for others. What i am stating is that I knew nothing about Api, windows programming, sockets, or threading as far as in a structured langauge, yet in the matter of about three days I was able to make an IRC bot with a working windows dialog that connected with sockets... I am simply saying its not as tough as C\C++ or even Delphi for that matter.

Adidtionally, If you can program in VB.NET Watchdog, its a matter of adding a ; onto your statements to use C#. Granted there is no DIM * As type, or Sub End sub, but it is all uniform to a degree. Not to get off track, but...

this.control.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Event);
priate void Button_Event(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (1 == 1)
MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked");


Private Sub Button_Event(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.control.Click
If (1 == 1) Then
MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked!");
End If

Thats not that much of a change over...


I never said java wasnt easy, i never said it wasnt a good language to teach on. Now your twisitng my words as Raccoonhas been known to do. What I AM saying is that its not a difficult language, and not as hard as you had stated.
