Well, then read again what I said. The point of my post is that..

I never said it wasn't all im inquiring about is "is it worth the extra work on khaleds part, to satisfy your lazyness?"

..is not going to be answered by any of us. You, me and everyone else but Khaled can't know what's worth the extra work on his part unless it's a clearly unreasonable thing like "mIRC OS" or something. Saying "this isn't worth Khaled's work" simply isn't a valid point to me.

I believe i still asked a question of which none of your responce answered it.

Variables can't do what groups do, as starbucks_mafia said, and it's quite clear they don't, otherwise such an unique feature like groups support wouldn't exist. You're asking us to use "if (!%mygroup.blah) halt" on a lot of aliases and events? No, thanks. BTW, how would I apply this to a dialog? If the "group" is off, close it on the init event? No, that's not even close to be nice, thanks. Make a /dialog alias? Won't work with a $dialog() call, thanks. "Why on earth would you want to disable a dialog table?" Well, I won't start giving explanations here on everything I could do with a feature.

"What's wrong with #groupA.1 on, #groupA.2 off, #groupA.3 on (...)?"
1: That would be the same thing as using variables. I'd have to use "if ($group(#groupA.1).status == on)" everywhere.
2: Organization. Separating blocks of code not because of #groups not being able to be nested, but because of a common context, their subject.

This is all I could type before getting tired. smile

Last edited by cold; 25/09/03 01:27 AM.

* cold edits his posts 24/7