Fistly, never post your email address on a public forum. Believe it or not there are hundreds, if not thousands of computers out there visiting every webpage known to man looking for e:mail addresses to add to their spam list.

To answer your question, if you are others you know belong to a group that runs a shoutcast server (online radio station), and perhaps your wearing the same tag, or have a older.younger sibling that is in a group of this natue and shares your ip this may be the case. Unfortunatly, clans decide they want to join random channels, advertise their channel to get "idlers" then part rapidly--and a lot of channels despise this. To safeguard against users doing it again, they ban the user--and this might be your case.

If you feel you dont fall under this category, try typing /names #channel and looking for an operator in the channel. PM them and ask them why u were banned. You may also look for the channel owners name under the /chanserv info #channel command.
