Ok here is my code so you can see what i am doing... What seems to be the problem is that writeini is automatically stripping the text as it write to the ini file. My question is, assuming my code if all fine of corse, is there a way around this? I need to be able to use bold and the ctrl+o.

dialog code :: edit "", 32, 52 20 82 17, tab 4 multi autovs limit 110
within the dialog init sequence :: did -ra $dname 32 $rls.set(test)
within the dialog sclick function for saving settings ::
      if ($did($dname,32).text != $null) {
        var %x = 1,%text
        while (%x <= $did($dname,32).lines) {
          set %text %text $did($dname,32,%x).text
          inc %x
        writeini $script pref test %text | echo %text

It echo' the %text correctly and it will load any text formatting into the dialog if i manually edit the ini file and put it there.

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