what pheonix suggested with the $chr is true, just taht you should replace the .... with the actual commands, so this won't happen.

[18:23:55] <a7tcv62r> a
[18:23:55] ..... is an unknown command
[18:24:05] <a7tcv62r> a
[18:24:05] .... is an unknown command

another idea to how this can be done:
 on *:TEXT:*:?: { 
if ($chr(63) isin $1-) { msg $nick say what?! }
elseif ($chr(33) isin $1-) { msg $nick don't yell at me! }
else { msg $nick hello }

this will trigger on any message sent, and then check if ? is in the text, if not it'll check if the ! is in the text, and if none of them are, it'll just say hello.

have fun with this smile