
I have this code that is supose do work kinda like the same way when you press the J button in WinAmp... It`s suppose to search the file for matches to the input word..


dialog søk {
  title "Search
  size -1 -1 130 150
  option dbu

  edit "", 1, 11 10 90 11
  button "&Search", 2, 105 10 20 11, disable default

  list 3, 10 25 115 110

  button "&OK", 4, 70 135 25 13, ok
  button "&Cancel", 5, 40 135 25 13, cancel

on *:dialog:search:edit:1:{
  if ($did(1) != $null) { did -e $dname 2 }
  else { did -b $dname 2 }

on *:dialog:search:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 2) {
    var %lines = $lines(mp3list.lis)
    var %num = 1
    var %match
    while (%lines >= %num) {
      $read(mp3list.lis, tw, * $+ $did(1) $+ *, %num)
      %match = $read(mp3list.lis, $readn)
      did -i $dname 3 %num %match
      inc %num


What this doeas at the moment is that it searches the mp3list.lis file and returns the first match many times and then all the other matches.. Whats wrong? Can anyoe help me?

Thanks! smile