Here is what code I have done by myself which work perfectly smile
alias _multi {
var %i = 0,%num = $did(cutenews,$$2).lines
unset %r
while (%i < %num) {
inc %i
var %r = %r $+ & $+ $$1 $+ []= $+ $did(cutenews,$$2,%i).text
return %r

on *:sockopen:mysite:{

var %data = hello=1&username= $+ %tmp.username $+ $_multi(news_short,16) $+ &password= $+ %tmp.password $+ &news_title= $+ $+ $_multi(news_full,17)

  sockwrite -n $sockname POST / $+ %cn.path $+ /mirc2cn.php HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %cn.domain
  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%data)
  sockwrite -n $sockname
  sockwrite -n $sockname %data


now In my PHP script I get an array like this
$news_full = array(
0 => line1
1 => line2
2 => line3
3 => line4
and with the php I can walk through the array $news_full and make only one string with all lines separated with <br>

Also I am doing this mirc script for my PHP script called CuteNews @ so you can post news at your site with just using your mIRC smile