i was making a stuff to make a string colorfull (each leter of a color (11 or 12) ) but the returing string (colored one) aways come with a $null before it! here is the code:
alias ac.style1 {
var %string = $1-,%a = $len(%string),%b = 1
while (%b <= %a) { var %x = $iif(%x,0,1),%c = $+($iif(%c,%c),,$iif(%x,11,12),$right($left(%string,%b),1),$chr(32), )) | inc %b }
return 00,01 $+ %c

the $iif(%c,%c) part is a unsussecfull (did i wrote it right?) trying to make the $null go away... if it is my scripting, help me to make it work ok! (i'm brazilian, don't blame my english)

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