Then there's additional colour support. 16 colours is enough and too much to some, however alot of people want more. I think 256 would be nice to have. Computers are very powerful these days so why not? And to those that say But all IRC programmes would also have to support it I say to hell with the other programmes. mIRC is the most popular programme and it should lead the way rather than lag behind waiting for others to ummm and arrr about it all.

- <rant>That's a horrible, horrible, horrible way to think about things. That 'Well everyone else will have to follow us' attitude is the same way of thinking Microsoft and other leading browser makers have, and is therefore the reason why client-side web development is such a bitch and requires 300% more code and 500% more effort to make sites that work on most browsers. It's also why 50% of the features of new standards which would otherwise help developers go to waste because they can't be used without other users getting screwed over by it, and the reason why people who aren't willing to put in the work have sites which only work on certain versions of certain browsers and detract from the internet's promise of being a medium in which information can be accessed by anyone. Yes, mIRC probably could needlessly force other clients to support this, but there's no good reason to do so. Especially given that mIRC could support 99 colours with no loss of compatability.</rant>

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.