Hi ppl. Need help in a code please.
I want control the nick changes and for example:

The nick Miguel change to nick Miguel_A
here the bot will save that info and if the nick Miguel_A try to access the bot commands the bot say to Miguel_A that he can´t access to the comands with that nick and he have to change to the original nick.

on *:nick: {
if ( $newnick isin $var($eval(%change,0) $+ $nick,1).value ) {
Unset %change $+ $nick
; Here he returs to the original nick
if ( $newnick !isin $var($eval(%change,0) $+ $nick,1).value ) {
if ( $newnick !isin $var($eval(%change,0) $+ $nick,1) ) {
; Here when he change 2 or more times off nick
set %change $+ $newnick $var($eval(%change,0) $+ $nick,1).value
unset %change $+ $nick
msg $chan(1) Voltou a mudar
else {
set %change $+ $newnick $nick
; Here he change for the 1 time off nick

if the nick try to change 2 off nick he will be create other %var and then the info it´s rong when backing to the original nick