I would also like to see a status bar. It wouldn't have to include icon support either, but just a way of managing text..

/Statusbar -seNrN [ON|OFF|Params]

        Toggle the statusbar by typing /statusbar [ON|OFF]
        typing /statusbar will show the current toggles position

 -s     Sets column count and width. Including a width of -1 will extend the column
        to the end of the bar.
        /statusbar <count> [colum_1_width] [column_2_width] ... [column_N_width]

 -eN    Edits column N inserting text Params
        /statusbar -e1 Status: Connected

 -rN    Clears column N's text


  Returns true of status bar is enabled

    width    Returns the width of that column
    text     Returns the text in column N

And to give an example:

alias sbar {
  ; Enable status bar
  if (!$Statusbar) /statusbar on

  ; Set Column Count
  /statusbar -s 3 300 250 -1

  ; Enter Data
  /statusbar -e1 Status: $iif($server, Online [[ $+ $network $+ ]], Offline)
  /statusbar -e2 Uptime: $uptime(system, 3)
  /statusbar -e3 mp3: $iif($nopath($insong.fname), $ifmatch, Nothing Playing)
