alias isloaded {
  var %d 1,%script $1,%result
  while (%d <= $script(0)) {
    if ($nopath($script(%d)) == %script) {
      %result = 1
    inc %d
  return $iif(%result,%result,0)
alias getpath {
  var %i 1,%script $1,%result
  while (%i <= $script(0)) {
    if ($nopath($script(%i)) == %script) {
      %result = $+(",$script(%i),")
    inc %i
  return $iif(%result,%result,0)
alias error {
  var %g 1
  var %file $1
  var %file.path $getpath(%file)
  var %error 0
  if (!$isloaded(%file)) { return $1 Is Not Loaded }
  while (%g <= $lines(%file.path)) {
    if ($+(*,$chr(123),*) iswm $read(%file.path,%g)) {
      inc %error $count($read(%file.path,%g),$chr(123))
    if ($+(*,$chr(125),*) iswm $read(%file.path,%g)) {
      dec %error $count($read(%file.path,%g),$chr(125))
    inc %g
  return %error

that script is supposed to increase a variable called "%error" when a { is found, then decrease it when a } is found, i used it on a file with NO errors, it returned "-13", anyone have any ideas how the hell it returned this?

new username: tidy_trax