I have this script:

dialog Rep_Mp3 {
title "RêP®øÐû¢Tø® Ðê Mp3's"
size -1 -1 183 39
option dbu
icon $mircdirimagenes\mp3.ico, 0
box "»| Reproductor Mp3 |«", 1, 1 1 180 35
edit "", 4, 9 10 146 10, read
button "Abrir", 5, 154 10 20 10, default flat multi
button "Stop", 6, 49 20 20 10
button "Play", 7, 74 20 20 10
check "Pause", 8, 99 20 20 10, push
button "x", 9, 90 35 1 1, hide ok
on 1:DIALOG:Rep_Mp3:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 5) { set %mp3encurso $$dir="Selecciona Mp3 para reproducir - [ oSaYaP eMePeTReSeS ]"
on 1:DIALOG:Rep_Mp3:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 6) { .splay stop }
if ($did == 7) { .splay -p %mp3encurso | /ame 9,1 eMePeTReS!! 9,1[[0,1 $mp3(%mp3encurso).title 9,1]] 7,1[[9,1 $mp3(%mp3encurso).artist 7,1]] 15,17,1((0,1 $replace($replace($duration($calc($lof(%mp3encurso) / 16000 )),mins,m),secs,s) 0,1 $round($calc($lof(%mp3encurso) / 1048576 ),1) Mb 15,17,1)) }
if ($did == 8) { if (%pause == 0) { .splay pause | inc %pause } | else { if (%pause == 1) { .splay resume | dec %pause } } }

Here is the problem: Sometimes when mp3 file isn´t edited with correct tag (winamp) the mp3 player doesn´t show any name, someone told me that i can add a line to this script, so the remote extract the tag name of mp3 file and the name file.
Is it possible? thanks !!

-= Porque pese a todo Dios .. aún te tengo fé =-