I think this is a bug, unless anyone can advise otherwise.

If I try and search for $chr(3) by using the regex method of $fline it fails to match, but if I do the same using the old wildcard method a match is found. For example...

/window -l @test
//aline @test $+($chr(3), 04, Hello World)

[email]...@test[/email] window created and a line added saying 'Hello World' in red.

//echo -a Wildcard: $fline(@test, $+(*, $chr(3), *), 1) Regex: $fline(@test, /\x3/, 1, 2)

..this returns 'Wildcard: 1 Regex:' ...I'd expect them both to return 1.

$fline(@test, /Hello/, 1, 2) also fails, but $fline(@test, /Hello/i, 1, 2) or $fline(@test, /ello/, 1, 2) matches.