DarkStarX please get a clue if you are going to present information as factual or meaningful.

> The real reason Bold, and Underline are available, is because it's written into the IRC protocol. Italics is not.

Wrong. Bold and underline were added by Khaled and mIRC around version 4.7 in 1996 or so. Neither were part of IRC before that. So, just like he added bold and underline he could do the same for italics. I'm not necessarily saying he should, but I am definately saying that your reasoning is horrible.

> That means you must know 50,001 of them at least, and they all want italics in mIRC. Since you say they actively desire it, where's the evidence?

omg, please get a clue. Apparently you've never taken a course in statistics. You do not need to survey everyone to get an idea of the consensus. For example, within a margin of error of only a few percent, the Nielsen Ratings can say that 23 million people watched an espisode of a TV show based on a survey of only 1500 people. Yes, all the money companies pay for TV advertisement is based off statistical analysis of a relatively small number of people.

Thats what statistics is all about. Your response is complete foolishness.