Ive buillt a lagbar that sends a notice including ticks to yourself
when you receive the notice a timer waits 3 seconds and send another one but there is something wierd going on.
[19:19:14] -obsessed- lagchk 25896953
[19:19:17] -obsessed- lagchk 25900953
[19:19:22] -obsessed- lagchk 25904953
[19:19:25] -obsessed- lagchk 25908953
But the timer only triggers when the notice is received i dont this this is a concincidence.
alias -l lagchk {
  .notice $me lagchk $ticks
  set %t $ticks
  .timerlagcount -im 0 1 lagdisp $!round($calc(($ticks - %t ) / 1000),2)
on me:^*:notice:lagchk &:?:{
  .timerlagcount off
  lagdisp $round($calc(($ticks - $2) / 1000),2)
  .timerlagchk -i 1 3 lagchk

If only women came with popup menus and online help.