I searched the forums and found a code I liked and could use but I was wondering on how to convert it to be able to handle multi levels heres the code first
on 1:TEXT:login*:?: {
if ($2) && ($3) {
if ($readini(access.ini, Access, $2) != $3) {
/auser 10 $nick
.notice $nick You have been logged in.
else {
.notice $nick Error: Invalid username and/or password
else {
.notice $nick Invalid Syntax: login <username> <password>
I was wondering if the if ($readini(access.ini, Access, $2) != $3) was the key? Would I try to have it read for topics and have an access ini with topics for lowest level users of my bot to the highest?

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.