Oke, this is my last try... The folowing code is the last piece of code, including the line you just given me. But still no sound!! Damn! I am doing something wrong!!

.$iif($away == $false,$_(pa001)): awayon
.$iif($away,$_(pa002)): awayoff
.$_(pa003): var %tmp = $shortfn($logdir) $+ awaylog.txt | if ($exists(%tmp)) { run %tmp } | else { fx comply | a $^err $_(ca000) | h }
.$_(pa004): write -c $shortfn($logdir) $+ awaylog.txt
.$_(pa005): ctrl 8
.$_(BPHelp): hlp away
$iif($server,$_(ps018): list)
$iif($server,$_(ps019)): quit

on 1:JOIN:#: { if ($nick != $me) { splay C:\mirc\system\sound\notify.wav }}