Alright, I have this script.

alias thing {
  if (!$2) { halt }
  var %i = $2-
  var %key_schedule = $RC4::Setup($gettok(%encrypt.code [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,43))
  **var %text = $RC4::Text(%i)**
  var %i = $bvar($RC4::Crypt(%key_schedule,%text),1-).text
  return %i 

And I having troubles at the line with the asterisk border. I get the error: * /bset: insufficient parameters (line 169, encrypt.mrc). The script the error comes from is:

Note: The following script is made by Klops and not me.
alias RC4::Text {
  var %b = $iif(&* iswm $1,$1,$+(&rc4::text_,$base($r(1,$calc(2 ^ 36)),10,36)))
  bunset %b
  **bset -t %b 1 $1-**
  return %b

The one with the asterisked border is line 169 (where the error is coming from. Please help. Thanks.

Note: Asterisks borders were put there for purpose of this post, and aren't actually in the script.