I made a alias for amsg, and now i have the problem that it loops untill mirc crash, i need to add a "halt" somwhere, for now i have added a "haltdef", but if i add that halt to the code, then mirc halt the event befor sending it to the rest of the channel, so it only sends my amsg to 1 channel.


alias amsg {
  if (%timestamp == 1) { timeset }
  var %i 1
  set %inptext $1-
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    .msg $chan(%i) %inptext
    if (%close == 1) { goto next }
    if ($me isop $chan) { goto op }
    if ($me isvo $chan) { goto vo }
    else { goto normal }
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+   $+ %opcolor $+ @ $+  $+ $me  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+   $+ %voiccolor $+ + $+  $+ $me  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+  $me  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef
    if ($me isop $chan) { goto op1 }
    if ($me isvo $chan) { goto vo1 }
    else { goto normal1 }
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+  $+  $+ %opcolor @ $+  $+ $me $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+  $+  $+ %voiccolor + $+  $+ $me $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef
    echo -a %tstmp $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %right $+  $+ $me $+  $+ %cbrackets $+ %left $+  %inptext | haltdef

the  char is color, i coloring the brackets.. i know its a bit messy code, and i know i should replace "-a" in the echo with $chan(%i), but havent got that far yet smirk
any ideas? :tongue:

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }