I do not agree, such high uptimes indicates that the Admin is too lazy to upgrade his software after security fixes are released (yes, EVEN fbsd has to be restrted after kernel recompilation).

Not so, my unschooled friend. A considerably large portion of kernel updates deal with exploits that require the attacker to have local access to the machine. Your average server doesn't have many users that have local access and those that do have it, it's the admin's job to ensure that they're watched and at the same time, the kind of people that you can trust enough to not have to watch.

With FreeBSD, or any UNIX variant, you don't have to reboot it every time you upgrade something, only when rebuilding the kernel, and the kernel has nothing to do with the web server/client, the email server/client, or most any other server/client as far as rebooting is concerned.

On the other hand, with Win32, you have to reboot when upgrading notepad.