Thanks KingTomato, i was planning on having different messages depending on which timer i tick, for example i would use Timer11 to tell everyone in my channel that i`m testing a script and that everyone should come back in if i kick them and Timer12 might be to annoince that my website is updated, was thinking of making it as a personal advert type script while i get used to check boxes, might even do away with the timers (i just thought i`d try to learn them)

Just looking back at the codeing, i can see that this could be used as a spam type/flooding script, ooooops blush grin
Not my intention, altho i only chat in one channel, and if i do goto another channel, i would make sure that all scripts of mine (mine have made or others i have added) have been turned off so i dont get kicked for spamming.

My intention was to turn on a function, be it a timer or something else, and use an edit box to display whether it`s on or off.


Never argue with an idiot...they'll drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience