Well, not to get off topic but..
I had gotten them on every 10 minutes (on the minute too) and i finally went to the company and complained. They told me "if you don't want them, shut off the service". Well, i already knew how to shut off the service, but the problem was what if i was a server. What if I had a server in my LAn that when being attacked send a global net send to all the online machines saying "Hey im being attacked" Why should i have to compromise network securty so that you guys can be a pain in the [self-censored] and advertise to every user online.
Well needless to say i did more research on it and got out a fluke network inspector (had one at school--me buy that software? Im not that rich). Anyways, the company had a demo on the webite so we downloaded, it and observed the network. As it turns out it doesn't use port 135, but uses like 139 or 140 or something. So that port is not disabled and haven't gotten one since.
Was kind of interesting how it worked out theough, if anyone is farmiliar with sockets what they did was had the software bypass the SYN_ACK msg from the client, thus stopping lag time and allowing the company do do like a udp mass-message. Send it and "forget it" sort of logic. If the user gets it, they get it, if not--who cares.
Ohh well, just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone who wanted to know. >:D