Hello. When an IRCop or U:Lined server sends a network wide message using the $irc.server.com, or $*.com format, MIRC does not properly display the message in a Private Message box. It will instead send the message to the active window, or the STATUS window using the NOTICE color and format. Here is an example:

 /msg $irc.server.com This is a test of a server wide msg (see rfc1459) that each user will receive!

That is sent to MIRC as (raw output):

 :PJ!PJ@PJs.Hostname.com PRIVMSG $IRC.SERVER.COM :This is a test of a server wide msg (see rfc1459) that each user will receive!

This also occurs with wild cards:

 /msg $*.com This is a test of a server wide msg (see rfc1459) that each user will receive!!

Which is recieved as:
 :PJ!PJ@PJs.Hostname.com PRIVMSG $*.COM :This is a test of a server wide msg (see rfc1459) that each user will receive!

As you can see, the receiver is listed as $IRC.SERVER.COM and $*.COM respectively, instead of the individual user's nick, which I suspect is the reason for the MIRC bug. The $irc.server.com format is documented in the RFC:


This is quite annoying, as it does not allow Opers to communicate with their MIRC users as intended. All other IRC clients I have tested handle this properly, with the line spawning a PRIVMSG window. Often times the notice data will get lost in the shuffle, flying by in the status window or whatever channel they are in, and is not given as much attention as a PRIVMSG would. If you could fix this, I would greatly appreciate it.
