need help on WHOIS the whois is on the status window
I want the whois on query

what is wrong?

on 1:dialog:whois_de:sclick:*:{
if ( $did = 3 ) .uwho $active
if ( $did = 2 ) .whois $active
if ( $did = 4 ) .query $active
if ( $did = 8 ) .ctcp $active ping
if ( $did = 9 ) .ctcp $active Version
if ( $did = 10 ) .ctcp $active Time
if ( $did = 11 ) .ctcp $active clientinfo
if ( $did = 12 ) .ctcp $active userinfo
if ( $did = 13 ) .ctcp $active FInger
if ( $did = 15 ) .dcc send $active
if ( $did = 16 ) .dcc chat $active