Like they said, /help dialogs..... best way to go, but for all extensive purposes I threw together this little example for you.
dialog example {
  title "example"
  size -1 -1 60 40
  option dbu
  text "Text Label", 1, 4 2 25 8
  edit "", 2, 3 10 50 10
  button "Ok", 3, 3 21 17 12, ok
  button "Cancel", 4, 22 21 31 12


To run you would put this in remotes and type

/dialog -m example example

Note: This will not do anything because dialogs require further coding before the ok/cancel buttons know what to do besides close the dialog without takeing further action.

Though when making this very simple dialog i rememberd that this may not be what you were looking for, because there is and input box that you can use default in mIRC .

and is used like this:
$$?="your text here."
Againg i just threw that in because it may be what you want and is eaiser then creating your own dialog, if you need more help with basic dialogs type /help dialogs

Last edited by vexx0r; 11/07/03 06:08 AM.