You really need to read "/help /timers" over again.. hehe...

Here is an example that may help you....
; Say something on every hour, but don't use 24 timers....
alias on-the-hour {
  var %NextHour $calc($asctime(hh) + 1)
  set %NextHour $iif(%NextHour > 23, 00, %NextHour) $+ :00
  var %Repetitions 1
  var %Delay 0
  ; First run, or called by a timer?
  if ($ctimer != $null) { 
    ; Do something here
  ; Start timer for next hour, make if an offline (-o) timer
  .timerOnTheHour -o %NextHour %Repetitions %Delay on-the-hour

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 26/12/02 03:32 PM.
