alright heres the code im having problems with:
  set %ignorelines $lines(data\ignorelist.db)
  if (%ignorelines == 0) { goto 999 }
  set %t 1
  while (%t <= %ignorelines) {
    tokenize 32 $gettok($read(data\ignorelist.db,%t),1,32)
    if ($1 iswm $fulladdress) { halt }
    inc %t

this code is under an on *:text:*:?: {

and it is interfering with the rest of my code because 3,000+ lines of code under it all use if ($1 == ignore), if ($1 == freeze) and so forth.

is it possible to achieve the same thing that tokenize is doing and make it place what it is placing in $1 into a %variable so that it wont erase the text in $1, therefor allowing my code to function as before?