dialog Mp3_dialog {
  size -1 -1 298 415
  title "Andys Mp3s"
  list 1,21 21 252 234,vsbar size 
  button "Play",2,31 314 60 30
  button "Stop",3,112 314 60 30
  box "Mp3 Dir",4,31 268 235 35
  button "Change Dir",5,191 315 60 30
  text "",6,36 282 28 13
  button "Shuffle",7,112 364 60 30
on *:DIALOG:Mp3_dialog:sclick:7: {
  /timerdialo 1 1 did -c Mp3_dialog 1 $nopath($insong.fname)
  return $findfile(%mp3dir,*.mp3,1,.splay $1-)


that should randomis in the dialog, but it doesnt, 1 it doesnt random the mp3, 2. it doesnt select from the list the mp3 thats playing? anyone help ?

Liek OMG Yuo Stoleded my MageHurtzzzz!!!11