dialog Mp3_dialog {
size -1 -1 298 415
title "Andys Mp3s"
list 1,21 21 252 234,vsbar size
button "Play",2,31 314 60 30
button "Stop",3,112 314 60 30
box "Mp3 Dir",4,31 268 235 35
button "Change Dir",5,191 315 60 30
on *:dialog:Mp3_dialog:init:*:{
$findfile(%mp3dir,*.mp3,0,didtok Mp3_dialog 1 32 $nopath($1-))
in that dialog with every space and - in the mp3's listed it goes to the next line, how do i stop that

Liek OMG Yuo Stoleded my MageHurtzzzz!!!11