found the problem
the if thingi coldt not be in a timer. so i made a alias to work with it. now it looks like this

on *:text:!admin_vote_kick*:#chan: {
set %nick $2
set %no 0
set %yes 0
msg # $nick started a vote on $1 $+ ! You have 60 sec to vote !yes or !no
.timer 1 60 votekick
.timer 1 80 unset %no
.timer 1 80 unset %yes
.timer 1 80 unset %nick

on *:text:!yes:#chan: {
inc %yes 1
on *:text:!no:#chan: {
inc %no 1

alias votekick {
if (%yes > %no) { msg =togbert .kick # %nick You have been voted out.( $+ %yes yes, vs %no No }

But how can i fix like, they cant vote_kick ops, and use !yes more then once ?

Last edited by JuZt3r; 07/07/03 05:30 PM.