Why u made an alias for that, i will never know, but in any case...

alias c {
  if ($1 isnum 0-99) { 
    if ($2) return  $+ $1 $+ , $+ $2
    else if ($1) return  $+ $1
  else if ($1 === b) return 
  else if ($1 === u) return ­
  else if ($1 === o) return 
  else if ($1 === r) return 
  else if ($1 === n) return 

In addition to the color topic, i do agree the the primary 16 colors are fine, but the ability to customize 17-on would be a great idea. Not necciserily have them show on the color map, but just the ability to change them to your preference. So color 0 could be white, but then 16 could also be a different color than white.
