put this i remotes (alt r)

menu nicklist {
$iif($1, Add user to user list)
.$iif($level($$1), Remove User) :/ruser $$1 | /echo -a User removed from list

alias adduser {
; max levels allowed for your bot (how many diff levels would you like
var %maxLevel = 5

if ($$1 == begin) || ($$1 == end) return -
else if ($$1 <= %maxLevel) return Level $$1 : $chr(123) .auser $$1 $snick($active, 1) $chr(124) /echo -a Added user $snick($Active, 1) to the user list $chr(125)

Then, in the nick list, right-click and chose a level for the person and then make the command correspond to the person whom u want it to work for