First thanks to all the people who answered .
Second this is shown if i connect to the server:
[10:07] * Connect retry #3 (6668)
[10:07] -> - *** Looking up your hostname
[10:07] -> - *** Checking Ident
[10:07] -> - *** Found your hostname
[10:07] • Sorry, You're banned from this server.
[10:07] • Server error: Closing Link: saklfjksad by barrysworld1.uk.quakenet.org (G-lined)
[10:07] * Disconnected
* /*:{: not connected to server
Is the server error the reason for the bann or what do you mean with the reason is givven for the bann.
And furthermore ithinki was banned on monday last week ,because on sunday i was online . And then on wednesday i tried again and it didn`t work.So i wasn`t online in between.And i know no reason for this.