Can you help whit this config dialog? In my dialog you can write your nick, name, user id and bla bla. But how to get it to set the nick and everything when i click done?

dialog config {
  title "The Reactor Script - Configure"
  size -1 -1 164 58
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 34 2 35 10, limit 9
  text "Nick Name:", 2, 3 3 28 8
  text "Alternative:", 3, 3 14 30 8
  edit "", 4, 34 13 35 10, limit 9
  text "Away Nick:", 5, 3 25 28 8
  edit "", 6, 34 24 35 10, limit 9
  text "Real Name:", 7, 3 36 28 8
  edit "", 8, 34 35 35 10, limit 9
  text "User ID:", 9, 3 47 22 8
  edit "", 10, 34 46 35 10, limit 9
  box "Undernet CService", 11, 72 2 90 34
  text "Username:", 12, 77 12 28 8
  text "Password:", 13, 77 23 25 8
  edit "", 14, 108 11 48 10
  edit "", 15, 108 22 48 10, pass
  button "Done", 17, 74 42 40 10, flat ok
  button "Cancle", 20, 120 42 40 10, flat cancel