alias nicktt {
  if ($1 == color) {
    if ($3 == $me) return %nl.owntext
    elseif ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$3,44)) return %nl.specialtext
    elseif ($3 ishop $active) return %nl.halftext
    elseif ($3 isop $active) return %nl.optext
    elseif ($3 isvoice $active) return %nl.voicetext
    return %nl.regtext

  if ($1 == tooltip) {
    return Nickname: $3 $+ $crlf $+ Address: $address( $+ $3 $+ ,1) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active)

alias getStatus {
  if ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$1,44)) return Friends
  elseif ($1 == $me) return Yourself
  elseif ($1 ishop $2) return Halfops
  elseif ($1 isop $2) return Operator
  elseif ($1 isvoice $2) return Voice
  else return Regular

ok thats what you have right now ..... to get what your looking for why not just add something like this for that tooltip info

  if ($1 == tooltip) {
    if ( $3 == $me ) return This is you in $active :) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($active,$3,a).idle, hh:mm:ss)
    if ( $3 isnotify ) return $3 is on your notify $+ $crlf $+ Address: $address($3,4) $+ $crlf $+ Common Channels: $iif($comchan($3,0) > 0,$comchan($3,0),None) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($active,$3,a).idle, hh:mm:ss)
    return Nickname: $3 $+ $crlf $+ Address: $address($3,4) $+ $crlf $+ Common Channels: $iif($comchan($3,0) > 0,$comchan($3,0),None) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($active,$3,a).idle, hh:mm:ss)

atleast thats what ive done into mine and it returns idle time with it