If there is an & operator why shouldn't there be an | evalutation operator in the if statement?

Well there is also no ~ operator, but no one is complaining that $not is so difficult to use. $or is a perfectly good alternative.

Using $or(bit,$or(bit,$or(bit,$or(bit,bit)))) is very inefficient and messy, yes it can be chained, but if Khaled could look into changing the | functionality in an IF statement, then why not?

Ok again, assume | is implemented.
if (bit & (bit | bit | bit)) is STILL invalid syntax.
And since & and | have the same precedence you can't remove the parenthesis without changing the meaning of the expression. Therefore to work around this you would need a hack, the easiest I can think of is using $iif:
if (bit & $iif(bit | bit | bit,$ifmatch,$ifmatch))
Are you going to tell me that syntax is so much cleaner than using $or?